Monday 20 February 2012

Rules of Friendship - Week 1

Posted by Zuleikha at 10:23
Hi There,
 Friendship is an extremely vital and important part of everyone's lives be it an adult or a child but your teenage years are when you will make your lifetime friends. Everyone is different and if you want to be a good friend you have to accept others for who they are. Every week, I will post a rule of friendship which will help you in becoming the best friend possible. The first rule of friendship, in my opinion, is trust. You have to be trustworthy. Friends share secrets, lives and stories so if your the kind of person that can't be trusted people would probably stay away from you. If you talk a lot and sometime lose control of what you're saying then maybe you need to learn to control what you say or your big mouth could get you into big trouble. Another point I would like to make is to put yourself in the shoes of your friend that trusted you before you go to tell someone something your supposed to keep a secret and think of how you would feel if your friend that you trusted went and told someone else a secret you told them. That should do the trick and stop you from making a huge mistake. Trust is important in every aspect of life. Many of us feel that there are very few people to trust in the world and that's a true fact but our aim is to be one of those few people. To conclude this post, I would like to remind you that nothing can ever make you do anything except for your own will and determination. If you're determined to do something in your life even after many hard years of work it can be achieved. So keep trying and you will succeed. If you have any questions please don't be afraid to write them in the comments.

         Stay tuned for the next rule of friendship next week and until then Goodbye...
L'il Ms Perfect


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