Monday 20 February 2012

Why Does No-One Like Me???

Posted by Zuleikha at 11:36
There are times in our lives where we feel like nobody likes or cares about us but that's not true. When you feel like that you should think about the people who are always there for you for example your mum, dad, sibling, grandparent or your best friend. You should concentrate on the people who love you and not your haters. One of the most annoying and confusing things about friendship, school etc. is popularity. If your not popular you will always envy the people who you think are and it can make you feel very low. Always remember being popular is not the key to happiness. If you look at most celebrities/famous people you would probably realize that most of them hate the fact that they're so popular and wish they could hide away. The truth is that even if you are popular you wouldn't realize it till later in your life. Even the people you think are really popular and everyone knows probably feel a similar way to you. You shouldn't let popularity bother you too much because if it really gets to you it can make you look upset all the time resulting in people thinking you are moody which would cause you to become even less popular. Remember always look happy and smile - that's the biggest key to popularity.


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